


translation by Ian Russell Lowell


CTH 61 I, A (+ B) i: 1-29

(1) Thus (speaks) My Sun Mursilis, Great King, King of Hatti, the Valiant, son of Suppiluliumas, Great King, the Valiant.

(3) Even before I sat on my father's throne, all the enemy lands were hostile to me. When my father became a god (i.e. died), my brother Arnuwandas sat on his father's throne. Afterwards, he too became ill. When the enemy lands heard Arnuwandas (was) ill, the enemy lands began to be hostile.

(8) When my brother Arnuwandas became a god (i.e. died), the enemy lands who had not been hostile, (now) these enemy lands also were hostile. The surrounding enemy lands spoke as follows. "His father who was Great King of Hatti before him: he was an heroic king, he had conquered enemy lands. He has become a god; and his son, who sat on his father's throne after him, before he also was a warrior. Now it has afflicted him, and he has become a god. But now he who has sat on his father's throne, he is a child. The borders of Hatti-Land, and the land of Hatti he will not save."

(16) Because my father was garrisoning (troops) in Mitanni, he stayed over in garrison, and they neglected the feasts of my lady Sungoddess of Arinna. When I My Sun sat on my father's throne the surrounding enemy lands which were (still) hostile to me even before I went to any enemy land, I went back to the regular feasts of the Sungoddess of Arinna, my lady, and I celebrated them. I took up (my) hand to the Sungoddess of Arinna, my lady, and I spoke the following: "O Sungoddess of Arinna, my lady, the surrounding enemy lands which have called me a child, and they have made small of me, secondly they have made to attack your borders. O Sungoddess of Arinna, my lady, stand with me: forward (and) smite the afore-mentioned surrounding enemy lands!" And the Sungoddess of Arinna, my lady, heard my word, and she stood with me, and while I sat on my father's throne, I conquered these surrounding enemy lands in ten years, and I destroyed them.


CTH 61 II, 1 i: 2-10 ii: 1

(2) And (...)

(3) My father (...). Then PN (...).

But the sickness (...). He/they (...) forth (...). The afore-mentioned sickness (...) he saw. Because (...) the sickness. (?and Ura-Tarhun)das deserted Hatti-Land. (...). Then even my brother died. Sarri-Kusuh (...). (...). I was yet still a child, (...) place (...) to me. (...) they stood for nothing apparent(?) (...)

[The rest of columns ii and iii totally missing.]

1 iv: 1-23

(1) "We (...). And (...) him." (...). And Ura-Tarhundas (Ura-dU-ass-a) (...). Even he stood up for (...). "Because you (...) to you (...). Because (...) he held (...) oppressed. (...). But you do not know the your father's obligation on me. (...). The one who would have made me fear is your elder brother, he who commanded the troops and horse(-troops) during the time of your father: he knew the decree of his father. Previously he was a valiant man. How could I respect you! Are you as he to me?" Then they saw my brother was sick. Because of this, Hannuttis, who commanded the Lower Lands, proceeded to the land of Ishupitta, but he died there. As soon as they heard of the death of Hannuttis, because of that, they put up resistance. Then they wrote these words to me:

(16) "You are just a child. You know nothing. You do not scare me. At present your land is ruined, you troops and your horse(-troops) are decreased: my troops are more than your troops, my horses more than your horses. In your father's time also troops and horse(-troops) were more. You, who are a child, how can you equal him." Thus they belittled me. They did not return my subjects.

(23) Since the enemy (...).


The rebellion in Durmitta

KBo iii 4 + KUB xxiii 125 (A) = KBo xvi 1 i : 30 ff. (B); AMX 22 ff., AMG 56 ff., 76 ff.

(30) The Gasgans of the land of Durmitta opened hostilities, and they (were) at war with me. Then the Gasgans also came and kept attacking the land of Durmitta. So I My Sun set out for it. Halilas and Duddusgas these were the principal districts of the Gasgan territory and I attacked them. I came away with deportees, cattle, sheep, and I brought them back to Hattusas, but Halilas and Duddusgas I burnt down.

(36) When Gasga-land heard of the destruction of Halilas and Duddusgas, all Gasga-land was called to arms: it came to me in battle, and I My Sun fought it. My lady the Sungoddess of Arinna, my lord the awesome Stormgod, Mezzullas, (and) all the gods went before me, and I defeated the levied troops of Gasga-land, and I killed them. Again I subjugated the Gasgans of the land of Durmitta for a second time, and they raised troops for me.

The rebellion in Ishupitta

KBo 3.4 + KUB 23.125 (A); A : 43-45 = KBo 16.2 i : 1'-5' (+) 113/e (E); A: 48 = KBo xvi 1 ii : 5 (B); AM 24 ff., Grelois 56 ff., 76 ff.

(43) Then I My Sun returned because the Gasgans of the land of Ishupitta had rebelled against me, and it did not raise troops for me. So I, My Sun, went to the land of Ishupitta. I defeated (the town of) (...)-humessena, and I came away with deportees, cattle, sheep, and I carried them away to Hattusas. I burnt down the town. A second time I subjugated the Gasgans of the land of Ishupitta. And they raised troops for me. These things I accomplished in one year.


The rebellions in Durmitta and Ishupitta

KUB 19.29 obv. i; AM 24 ff.

(1) (...). If (...). (...) hat- (...). And I defeated the levied troops (...). (...) a second time I subjugated (...). I went to (the town of) (...)-humessina. (...)-anna I defeated. And I burnt down the town, and I came away with deportees, cattle, sheep; and I brought them away to Hattusas.


The rebellion in the Upper Land

KBo 3.4 + KUB 23.125 (A); A: 49-52 = KBo 16.1 ii : 6 ff. (B); AM 26 ff., Grelois 57 ff., 77 ff.

(49) In the next year I went to the Upper Land because the Gasgans of the land of Tipiya had become hostile to me and it did not raise troops for me. I, My Sun, defeated (the town of) Kathaidduwa, and I came away with deportees, cattle, sheep and I brought them away to Hattusas. But I burnt down the town.

The second rebellion in Ishupitta

KBo 3.4 + KUB 23.125 (A); A: 53-60 = KBo 16.1 i + ii (B); AM 30 ff.; Grelois 57 ff., 77 ff.

(53) Then I came away from the land of Tipiya to Hattusas, and the land of Ishupitta was hostile. And (I sent Hannuttis to Ishupitta?) and he defeated it a second time. Because (...) they escaped: Nunnutas (...). And (...) to Gasga-land. (...) he/it (...). And (I) My Sun (...) the men, the heads of rebellion (...). And he/they (...). And I My Sun made war on (the town of) Kammama, and my lady the Sungoddess of Arinna, my lord the awesome Stormgod, Mezzullas (and) all the gods went before me, and I defeated (the town of) Kammama, and I came away with deportees, cattle, sheep and I brought them away to Hattusas. I burnt the town. these things I accomplished in one year.


The legacy of Arnuwandas

KUB 16.16 obv. i; AM 26 ff.

(9) During the time before I sat on the throne of my father, (...) (the man of Assur?) drove against my brother Sarri-Kusuh, the king of the land of Kargamis. Kuwatnamuwas, GAL LU (...). He left in garrison (...). When I came to sit on the throne of my father (...). And I sent forth Nuwanzas the GAL GESTIN with troops and horse to the land of Kargamis. And he arrived over in the land of Kargamis, to Sarri-Kusuh my brother. And to Nuwanzas the GAL GESTIN I had spoken thus: "If the man of Assur does come, fight him! If he does not come, be about in the land! Keep the land protected!" But as the man of Assur heard abroad "Hittite troops and horse have come", he therefore did not come.

(20) Because the Gasgan enemy was hostile to it, he continued to attacked the Hatti-land. (...) he was not a friend/it had not arrived. Some of the troops he had directed to Kargamis, and they were facing the enemy of Assur, and some of the troops he had directed to the Lower Land, where they were facing the enemy of Arzawa: and they protected the lands. But there was a shortage of troops under me. Because the troops under me were the standing army, the enemy went and continued to attack the land. So I proceeded to the Upper Land, and I attacked (...) (the town of) Kathaidduwa. The gods went before me, my lord the awesome Stormgod, my lady the Sungoddess of Arinna, the Stormgod of Hatti, Kurundas of Hatti, the Stormgod of the Army, the almighty Stormgod. And I conquered (the town of) Kathaidduwa, and I burnt down the town, and I came away with deportees, cattle, sheep, and I brought them away to Hattusas.

(31) Because the land of Ishupitta was hostile, I vanquished it, and I defeated it. Because Pazzannas and Nunnutas, my subjects, escaped from me (...). (...)-ru (...). (...) (the town of) Palhuissa (...).

Short gap.

KUB 14.15 obv. i; AM 32 ff.

(1) (...)-an (...). And the gods went before me: my lord the powerful Stormgod, my lady the Sungoddess of Arinna, the Stormgod of Hatti, the Stormgod of the Army, the almighty Stormgod. (...). And I burnt down the town, and I came away with deportees, cattle, sheep, and I brought him away to Hattusas.

(5) Then I went to (the town of) Palhuissa, and the gods went before me, and I overcome (the town of) Palhuissa, and I burnt down the town, and I came away with deportees, cattle, sheep. And I brought them away to Hattusas. There were these levied troops. As soon as I marched into battle , furthermore, this one did not withstand me, and they before me, and I set up camp at (the town of) (...). then I came back to (the town of) Istahara: and I brought away the grains of (the town of) (...) and of (the town of) Palhuissa, and I brought it away to Hattusas. And I wrote as follows to the men of (the town of) Kammama and the men of (the town of) (...): "Pazzannas and Nunnutas have come to you seize them! If you do not seize them, and give them to me, I will destroy you! I will dedicate (the town of) Palhuissa to the Stormgod. I will purify (...). And furthermore (...). As soon as the men of (the town of) Kammama and the men of (the town of) (...) heard the same, they killed Pazzannas and Nunnutas, and the men of (the town of) Kammama and the men of (the town of) (...) became enfeoffed to me a second time. Then I came to (the town of) Ankuwa, and I wintered at Ankuwa.


CTH 61 I, B ii: 29-41 (AM 12)

(29) And in the year (...). My brother in (...). And the troops of Huwarsanassa and the troops of (...) drove forth away from me; and they came into the land of Arzawa. I sent a messenger to Uhhazitis, and I wrote to him: "These men of mine the troops Attarimma, the troops of Huwarsanassa, the troops of Suruda have come over to you: give them back to me!" But Uhhazitis wrote back to me as follows: I will not send anything back to you. Since they (...) to me in strength (pl.) (...)." (...) his subjects.


A ii: 7-49

(7) Then I came back from Palhuissa to Hattusas, and I mustered troops and horse(-troop)s. Then in that year I also marched out to Arzawa (Hit. ar-za-u-wa). I sent a courier to Uhhazitis, and I wrote to him: "My subjects who came over to you, although I have petitioned after them, you have not given them back to me. You have called me a child: it belittled me. Now, come, let us to battle! Let Tarhunnas, my lord, judge!"

(15) Then as I marched, when I reached Mt. Lawasa, the awesome Tarhunnas, my lord, manifested (his) grace (Hit.: para handandatar): he hurled a thunderbolt (logogram, giskalmis). My army (or: troops) beheld the thunderbolt, it (i.e. the army) surveyed the land of Arzawa (or: the land of Arzawa saw it): the thunderbolt passed and it struck the land of Arzawa. It hit Apasas, the city of Uhhazitis, and it caught his knee, and he sickened. Since Uhhazitis was sick, he did not come against me in battle, he sent forth his son, Piyama-Kurundas, (logogram, mSUM-ma-dLAMMA-an, acc. case) together with troops and horse(-troop)s against me. He stood against me in battle at Walma, at the R. Astarpa, and I My Sun(god) fought him. The Sungoddess of Arinna, my lady, the awesome Tarhunnas, my lord, Mezzullas, and all all the gods aided me (lit.: they fore-ran, preceded), and I smote Piyama-Kurundas, the son of Uhhazitis, together with his troops (and) his horse(-troop)s, and I defeated him. Moreover, I caught him in the rear (lit. seized him behind). I advanced across into the land of Arzawa, and I proceeded to Apasas, the city of Uhhazitis. Uhhazitis did not oppose me, he evaded me and he went across the sea to the islands (Hit. <gursauwanza). There he remained.

(33) The whole land of Arzawa fled. Some deportees went to Mt. Arinnandas, and they held Mt. Arinnandas; and some deportees went forth to Purandas, and they held Purandas; but some deportees went across the sea with Uhhazitis. And I, My Sun(god) went after the deportees to Mt. Arinnandas and I attacked Mt. Arinnandas. My lady the sungoddess of Arinna, my lord the awesome Tarhunnas, Mezzullas, and all the gods aided me, and I conquered Mt. Arinnandas. And the deportees (logogram, NAM.RA.MES: Hit. arnuwalas), whom I the Sun(god) brought to the palace, they were 15,500. But the deportees whom the Hittite officers, troops and horse(-troop)s brought: it is not possible to number them. I sent forth the deportees to Hattusas, and they brought them out.

(46) As soon as I conquered Mt. Arinnandas, then I came back to the R. Astarpa, and I set up a fortified camp, and I celebrated the Festival of the Year there. These things I accomplished in one year.


CTH 61 II, 2B i: 23-32

(23) So it became Spring. Because Uhhazitis stood beside (i.e. allied himself with) the king of Ahhiuwa, the land of Millawanda (...) to the king of Ahhiuwa. I, My Sun(god) (...). And (I) sent forth Gullas and Malazitis (with) troops and horse(-troop)s, and they attacked (the land of Millawanda?), and they came back (lit. took up) with deportees, cattle and sheep (and they brought them away to Hattusas).

(27) When Mashuiluwas, the king of Mira, held Impa, Piyama-Kurundas (logogram mSUM-dKAL-as), the son of Uhhazitis, stood for battle against him. My gods went before Mashuiluwas and he beat Piyama-Kurundas and he defeated him. Inasmuch as Mashuiluwas vanquished Piyama-Kurundas, the son of Uhhazitis, he therefore went further, and he attacked the land of Hapanuwa. (...) his half of the land of Mira was with Mashuiluwas. (...). And he turned to the land of Hatti.

[Blank space: enough for six lines; another 6-8 lines broken away.]

CTH 61 II, 2A ii: 1-7

(1-2) (...) in(to) (...). (...) (he) took/seized (...). (...). He did not stand in battle (...). He withdrew away (...). I razed (...)-sa, and I came away with deportees, cattle (and) sheep, and I brought it up to Hattusas.

Laroche: CTH 61, II.2

A KUB 14.16 = BoTU 50, 51 B

B KUB 14.15 (+) KBo 16.104 = BoTU 51 A

2B ii: 1a-16 (+) KBo 4.2 ii (AM pp. 44-50)

(1a) As soon as I defeated these lands and I again enfeoffed them, then in the same year I marched to Arzawa. As I reached the R. Sehiriya, the awesome Tarhunnas, my lord, manifested (his) grace: he hurled a thunderbolt. The land of Hatti saw it from behind, and the land of Arzawa saw it from the front. The thunderbolt itself hastened, and it struck Apasas, the city of Uhhazitis, and it hit Uhhazitis, and a bad sickness afflicted him. It broke his knee. As I, My Sun(god) (logogram, dUTUsi, Hit. Istanus-mis?), marched, so I reached Sallapa. Because I had written to Sarri-Kusuh (logogram, mLUGAL-dSIN-ah), my brother, the king of Kargamis, he (had) already brought up troops and horse(-troop)s to Sallapa. And I held a review with him/of them at Sallapa. Then I marched to the land of Arzawa. As I reached Aura, Mashuiluwas, who held (...), hastened before me, and I questioned him. He spoke to me, "The thunderbolt of the god struck Uhhazitis, and a bad sickness has afflicted him, and it has broken his knee. If (...)" (...) formerly/previously (...) ...

[Gapunknown number of lines.]

2B ii: 38-42

(38) The army/camp (...). But the afore-mentioned/this (one) (...). But on this side (...) 1 DANNA (...). As soon as (...)

[Gap of about 40 lines.]

2B iii: 24-52

(24) "And (...). And my brother he (...-)ed (...), and I set (his?) mind at rest. (...).

(27) But I, since the displaced persons (logogram, NAM.RA.MES: Hit. arnuwalas) took flight, wrote as follows to my brother: "The displaced persons who have fled away from me the Hursanassan deportees, the Surudan deportees and the Attariman deportees they have crossed over and while they (...)-ed, they have split apart. The Hursanassan deportees, the Surudan deportees and the Attarimman deportees: they are among those separating over to Mt. Arinnandas; and the Hursanassan deportees the Surudan deportees and the Attarimman deportees: they are also among those separating over to (the town of) Purandas." Because these displaced persons took flight from me, and they held again the impassable heights (lit.: weighty mountains), I (My Sun(god)?) issued Sarri-Kusuh, the king of Kargamis, my brother a command: "Because the deportees fled away from me, and they hold again the impassable heights, and the year is closing upon us, come, we will force march to one or the other and we will bring them down." And I My Sun(god) went to Mt. Arinnandas. This same Mt. Arinnandas (is) very inaccessible, jutting (lit. going forth) into the sea. Furthermore it (is) very high and rugged. Moreover, being rocky, it is impossible to drive up with horses (i.e. chariots). The deportees held it completely, and the troops were entirely on top. Since it was not possible the horses drive up, I My Sun(god) advanced before the army on foot, and I went up Mt. Arinnandas on foot. And I beleaguered the deportees to hunger and to thirst. And when it became intolerable for them in hunger and in thirst, the deportees came down, and they knelt down at my feet. "Do not destroy us, our lord! Take us in servitude, our lord! Lead us up to Hattusas!" Then the deportees knelt down at my feet, and I brought the deportees down from Mt. Arinnandas. I alone brought 15,500 deportees to my house, but it is impossible to number the deportees whom the Hittite troops, horse(-troop)s, and sarikuwas-troops brought.

2A iii: 23-43

(23) And as soon as I brought down the displaced persons from Mt. Arinnandas and sent them forth to Hattusas, I My Sun(god) went after the deportees in Purandas. When I reached (the town of) (...), I wrote to the people of Purandas: "You were my father's subjects: my father received you. But you have gone in fief to Uhhazitis: the one (who) helped (lit.: stepped after) the king of Ahhiuwa and made war. Now, you become mine again and no longer stand by Uhhazitis! You hand over my subjects who are the Hursanassan deportee, the Surudan deportee, and the Attarimman deportee!" But they wrote the following back to me: "We hold (...). You subjects who have come in, we will not hand them over. (...) to (...). If he (...) in the sea. (...). We will drive you backwards. (...) we will authorize." But I, because it was early autumn, then went back to the river Astarpa. And I set up camp at the river Astarpa. But Uhhazitis (...) fell sick, and he died. (...). And his wife (...). Piyama-Kurundas (...).

[The continuation is lost.]


CTH 61, I. A ii: 50-86

(50) Then it became Spring. Since Uhhazitis was ill, he was in the islands (Hit.: aruni anda, lit. in the sea) and his sons were with him. Uhhazitis died in the islands: his sons split up, the one in the same islands, but the other, Tapalazunaulis, came away from the sea. Because all the land of Arzawa (...) it had gone up into Purandas. Tapalazunaulis went up into Purandas.

(57) As soon as I observed the Festival of the Year, I went to Purandas for battle. Tapalazunaulis came down from Purandas with troops and horse(-troop)s, and he came against me in battle, and he stood in battle before me in the field(s) and his pasture land. My Sun(god) attacked him: my lady the sungoddess of Arinna, my lord the awesome Tarhunnas, the goddess Mezzullas, and and all the gods drove before before and I struck Tapalazunaulis (...) with his troops and his horse(-troop)s and I defeated him. Then I besieged him: I went and I encircled Purandas, and I invested it and I dammed (lit.: brought away) its water.

(66) Since I invested Purandas, Tapalazunaulis the son of Uhhazitis, who was up inside Purandas became afraid, and he escaped by night down from Purandas. Then he sent ahead his sons and deportees out of the citadel, and he led them down.

(71) As soon as My Sun(god) heard "Tapalazunaulis is escaping by night, and he is sending ahead his wife, his sons and the deportees from the citadel and he led them down", My Sun(god) sent after him troops (and) horse(-troop)s. They cut off Tapalazunaulis en route, and they separated his wife, his sons and the deportees from him: they re-captured them, Tapalazunaulis alone escaped. The deportees whom they captured en route, he took them as troops and horse(-troop)s.

(79) Then I went and I besieged Purandas by day. I battled (...) they ran. My lady the sungoddess of Arinna, my lord the awesome Tarhunnas, Mezzullas, and all the gods drove before me, and I vanquished Purandas. The deportees whom I brought to the palace were 16,x00 deportees. But the deportees, cattle and sheep whom the lords, troops and horse(-troop)s brought to Hattusas, it is impossible to number. I sent them on to Hattusas, and they brought them away.

CTH 61, I. A iii: 1-41

(1) (...). (...). (...) he was in the sea/on an island. (...). Piyama-Kurundas (logogram: mSUM--ma-dKAL-as), the son of Uhhazitis (...). And he came out of the sea and he (...) and he came in with the King of Ahhiyawa. My Sun(-god) sent (man's name) by ship (...). (...). And they brought him out. With him (were) deportees whom they also brought out. And they, with the deportees of (city name) and with the deportees of Lipa altogether were x0,x00 deportees. I sent sent them on to Hattusas, and they brought them away.

(13) Then I came back to the land of the River Seha. As soon as Manapa-Tarhundas, who was the lord of the River Seha, heard "the King of Hatti comes", he was afraid and then he did not come before me. He sent forth before me his mother, the old men and the old women, and they knelt down at my feet. I gave way against the women: and then I did not go into the River Seha. The Hittite deportees who were in the River Seha, they sent them forth to me, and the deportees whom they sent forth to me, they were 4,000. I sent them on to Hattusas and they brought them away. I took Manapa-Tarhundas and the land of the River Seha in vassalage.

(26) Then I went to the land of Mira. The land of Mira I gave to Mashuiluwas, the land of the River Seha I gave to Manapa-Tarhundas, the land of Hapalla I gave to Targasnallis. And I enfeoffed all these lands at this place, and I imposed on them troops, and they took to providing troops for me. Since I wintered over in the land of Arzawa, my lady the sungoddess of Arinna, my lord the awesome Tarhunnas, Mezzullas, and all the gods drove before me and I conquered the land of Arzawa in two years. Some of which I brought out to Hattusas, and some of which in this place I enfeoffed. I imposed troops on them, and they took to providing troops for me. As I conquered the whole of the land of Arzawa, the deportees whom My Sun brought to the palace they were in total (Hit.: anda 1-etta) 66,000; the deportees, cattle and sheep which the Hittite lords, troops and horse(-troop)s brought it is impossible to number. As soon as I conquered the whole of the land of Arzawa, then I came away to Hattusas. Then I overwintered in Arzawa: these things I accomplished in one year.


CTH 61, II.

[The beginning is lost.]

2B iv: 14-54

(14) (This) Manapa-Tarhuntas (logogram: Manapa-dU-an, acc.), whom his brothers drove away from his land: I commended him to the people of Karkisa. Moreover, I paid remuneration to the people of Karkisa for him. But Manapa-Tarhuntas did not stand by me. Because Uhhazitis made war on me, he sided with (lit. became of) Uhhazitis, and he became reconciled to him. My Sun went to the River Seha. But as soon as Manapa-Tarhuntas, the son of Muwa-Walwis(log. -UR.MAH), heard (of) me "My Sun(god) comes", he sent a messenger before me. He wrote me as follows: "My lord, do not kill me! Take me into vassalage, lord! And the men which came over to me, I will present them to my lord." And I replied to him: "At the time when your brothers drove you out from the land, I commended you to the people of Karkisa. Moreover I paid remuneration over you to the people of Karkisa. You did not stand by me: you stood by Uhhazitis my enemy! Should I now enfeoff you?" I would have wiped him out, but he sent forth his mother before me, and she came to me and knelt down down at my feet and spoke to me as follows: "Do not destroy us, our lord! Take us into vassalage, our lord!" Because the woman came before me and knelt down at my feet, I gave way to the woman, then I did not go into the River Seha. I did take Manapa-Tarhuntas and the land of the River Seha into vassalage.

(34) Then I came back to the land of Mira. I settled/organized (Hitt.: taninun) the land of Mira. Further, I (re-)built Arsanis, Sarawas and Impa and I fortified them. I took possession of them for troops in garrison. And I took possession of Hapanuwa for troops in garrison. Furthermore, I appointed Mashuiluwas in lordship at Mira, and I spoke as follows to Mashuiluwas: "You, Mashuiluwas, came as a refugee before my father, and my father accepted you, and he made you a son-in-law. He gave you Muwattis his daughter, my sister, as your wife. Afterwards he did not stand with you, and over your enemies he did not smite. I have stood beside you: I have smote your enemies. Moreover I have built cities and fortified them; I have occupied them with troops in garrison. And I have established you as lord of Mira." Furthermore I gave to him 600 troops as a personal bodyguard. I spoke the following to him: "The people of Mira (are) deceitful. Let these (lit. this) 600 troops be to you a personal bodyguard (lit. watchers of the person). Do not connive with the men of Mira; you must not intrigue with them!"

(50) As soon as I had settled/organized the land of Mira, (...) the land of (...). As soon as I reached Aura, (...) (to) me. I gave to Mashuiluwas the land of Mira and the land of Kuwaliya; I gave to Manapa-Tarhundas, the son of Muwa-UR.MAH, the land of the River Seha; and I gave to Targasnallis the land of Hapalla. And in (...)

[Broken: gap of about 14 lines.]

KUB 19.32: 1-8; Arzawa p. 141, n. 138

(1) As soon as (...) the land of Arzawa, I came away from Hattusas and to/from Hattusas (...)

(5) But Sarri-Kusuh (log. mLUGAL-dSIN) the King of Kargamis (...) the following(?) (...). And (...) him (...).


Laroche, CTH 61 I:

A. KBo 3.4 + KUB 23.125 + 2 BoTU 48 (155)

C. KUB 19.38 (+) 14.21 = A iii: 37-52, 57-69

A iii: 42-59 (Ca 8'-17')

(42) In the (next) year I went to Mt. Asharpaya. The Gasgan town that (lit. what) had held Mt. Asharpaya had cut the roads (logogram: KASKAL.MES) to the land of Pala. I attacked the very same Gasgas of Mt. Asharpaya, and the sungoddess of Arinna my lady, the awesome Tarhunnas my lord, Mezzullas and all the gods led before me, and the Gasgan who had settled Mt. Asharpaya, him I vanquished, and him I slew. And I laid bare Mt. Asharpaya. Moreover I came away, and then I reached (the town of) Sammaha, and I came into (the town of) Ziulila.

(50) While my father was in the land of Mitanni, because the Arauwannan enemy (Hit.: l£KUR uruarauwannas) had continued to assail the land of Kissiya, he had greatly harassed it. I My Sun, went to the land of Arauwanna, and I struck the land of Arauwanna. And the sungoddess of Arinna my lady, the awesome Tarhunnas my lord, Mezzullas and all the gods drove before me, and I conquered the whole land of Arauwanna. And the deportees from the land of Arauwanna whom I brought to the palace, they were 3,500 deportees; but the deportees whom the lords, the soldiers and the horse(-troop)s brought, it is impossible to number. As soon as I conquered the land of Arauwanna, then I came back to Hattusas. These things I accomplished in one year.


A iii: 60-69 (Cb 3'-12')

(60) In the (next) year I went to the land of Ziharriya. During the time of my grandfather, the Gasgan town that (lit.: what) occupied Mt. Tarikarimu in force, then they became a blight for Hattusas. And the Gasgan town that had settled Mt. Tarikarimu, him I struck. And the Sungoddess of Arinna my lady, the awesome Tarhunnas my lord, Mezzullas and all the gods preceded me, and I overcame the Gasgan town of Mt. Tarikarimu, and I slew him. I laid bare Mt. Tarikarimu, and I burnt down the land of Ziharriya. Then I came back to Hattusas. These things I achieved in one year.


CTH 61 II, 3 i: 2-8

[Beginning lost.]

(2) As soon as he (...) settled (...). (...) him to Mt. Asharpaya. And he, in strength (lit. at bone), (...). If/whether (...) to Mt. Asharpaya (...). And (...) to him (...). (...) the tribal troops (...).

[Ending lost.]


[Year missing.]


Catalogue des Textes Hittites (CTH)

61 I, 4 = AM p. 86-96 = ADM p. 68-69, 85-86

A. KBo 3.4 + KUB 23.125 = 2 BoTU 48 (155)

A iii: 70-98

(70) And in the year I went to the land of Tipiya. While my father was in the land of Mitanni, Pihhuniyas, the man of Tipiya, marched and he attacked the Upper Land (logogram: KUR UGU), and he reached as far forward as Zazzissas. He plundered the Upper Land and he carried it back down to the land of Gasga. He took all the land of Istitina, and he made it his place of pasturage.

(76) Furthermore, Pihhuniyas did not rule in the forthright manner of the Gasga: because with the Gasga there is not the rule of one (person). But he, Pihhuniyas, ruled in the manner of a king. My Sun went to him, and I sent a messenger to him, and I wrote to him: "My subjects whom you took and you carried down to the land of Gasga send them out to me." But Pihhuniyas replied as follows: "I will not send these back to you. Should you come to me for battle, I will not stand in battle against you in the field on my territory (Hit. ammel A.SA kueri), rather I will come against you in your land and in your land I will stand for battle." In the same way that Pihhuniyas replied to me, he did not hand back my subjects. I went against him in battle, and I attacked his land. The Sungoddess of Arinna, my lady, the awesome Tarhunnas, my lord, Mezzullas, and all the gods drove ahead of me, and I conquered the whole land of Tipiya and I torched it. I captured Pihhuniyas and I brought him away to Hattusas. Furthermore, I returned the land of Tipiya, and because since Pihhuniyas had taken the land of Istitina, I rebuilt it, and I again made it Hittite.

(96) Then, as soon as I conquered the land of Tipiya, I sent a messenger to Anniyas, King of Azzi. And I wrote to him: "While my father was in the land of Mitanni, some subjects of mine come over to you ..."

[Break of about 20 lines before the beginning of column iv (Year 9).]


Catalogue des Textes Hittites (CTH)

61 II, 4 = AM p. 80-100

A. KUB 19.31 = BoTU 55

B. KUB 14.17 = BoTU 54

C. KUB 19.30 = BoTU 57

D. KUB 26.79 = BoTU 56; i = A. iii: 10 f.

A. i: 1-14

[Fragmentary: only end of lines extant.]

(...). "But now (...). (...) to come/to appear (...). They stood apart/they neglected (...). He went (...) (to?) Kargamis. He went (...). He went (...). "But as soon as you/them (...). "And he/them to me (wrote?) back (...). (...). My Sun (logogram: dUTUsi = Hit. dIstanus=mis, my Sungod, the Hittite royal title) (...) of this (one) (...). (...-)nahha the treaty. (...). "Whether/would the King of Egypt (logogram: LUGAL KUR uruMizri) (...). "Whether (...) to me. (...) the King of Egypt (...). "I am giving/I will give it/them back to him. But to none another I am giving/I will give it/them back."

A. iii: 1-14

[Fragmentary: only end of lines extant.]

(...) against/before My Sun. (...) deportees/displaced persons (logogram: NAM.RA.MES = Hit. arnuwales) (...) these (...). "(...) not (...). "(...) it/them (...). "But whether/would (...). (...) (with)in (...). (...) beyond/across (...). (...). (...) of that (one)/of him (...). (...) by hand (...). [Lines 12-14 too fragmentary.]

B. ii: 1-26

(1) (...). (...) that (one)/he (...). (...-)ai. And the prisoner-of-war (logogram: l£SU.DIB = Hit. appantas) whom the man of Nuhassi had (...), and (...) to/for his wife (and) his sons, and he would have brought his wife (and) his sons to Hattusas. When he he spoke forth to him the word: "My Sun comes. Let him (...)." The prisoner-of-war would not have conspired. Inasmuch as my lords (i.e. the officers) stood in the field (of battle), (as) formerly there was a movement (of troops) to my lord (and) not to any (other) one. Whether it/them to that prisoner-of-war it/he had entered in. And as soon as whoever he (asi) related the affair (of) the prisoner of war to them, they are again planning/seeking this affair of the prisoner-of-war. Whether they would pull back/withdraw this affair of the prisoner-of-war. Because (...) they were cursed. (...) on this side. They (...) the Oathgods. Let him (...). Now the gods (...) behind/afterward. They will not move him, even though I made inquiries again. They (...) I made enquiries continually. The men of Nuhassi became hostile.

(18) As soon as the men of Nuhassi (...), and they made war, then the Egyptian troops (...): "He is coming!" And I went against the Egyptian troops. Kantuzzilis (...) I sent forth ahead to the land of Kargamis, and he came down to Sarrikusuh, my brother, in the land of Kargamis. I instructed Kantuzzilis as follows: "Because the men of Nuhassi have become hostile: wipe them out (Hit. arha harnink)! And if the Egyptian troops are aiding them, (...), and (...) and I will fight them."

B. ii: 28-39 = AM p. 86, 88

[Line 27 is missed out.]

But as soon as I arrived at Zilunas, they brought the information before me: "The Egyptian troops were crushed; they have departed." Thus the troops of the land of Egypt did not come. Pihhuniyas, the Gasgan, was the man of Tipiya. While my father was in the Hurri lands, Pihhuniyas attacked the Upper Land (logogram: KUR UGUti) and the land of Istitina. He reached as far forward as Zazzissas (para INA uruZazzissa). And he, Pihhuniyas, (...) not of (-...)gani(-...) he ruled in the manner of (...). (...) the Gasgans (...). (...). (...) and his/its (...). He ruled (...), As soon as (...). (...).

C. i: 1-24

(1) And (Personal Name) (...). "And (to) you (...). And I (...)." (...) the land of Tipiya. And all all the gods drove ahead of me, and I conquered all the land of Tipiya and I razed it. I ransacked it, with deportees, sheep and cattle, and I brought it away to Hattusas. (...).

(8) But because Pihhuniyas continued defying me, he slipped away from me. As soon as I had torched the land of Tipiya, then I came back to the land of Istitina. During the time that Pihhuniyas (...) laid waste the land of Istitina, he had taken these fortified towns, and he demolished them. As I myself retook the land of Istitina, (I ...) (the towns of) Kannuwaras, Is(-...) (and ...?), and furthermore, these fortified towns were the shattered ones. I rebuilt them, and I held them with garrison(-troops). As it became difficult for Pihhuniyas, he, with one thing and another (Hit. n=as tamedani namma), did not go anywhere. He comes down to me, and he makes obeisance at (my) feet. (...). I took him up, and I sent him away to Hattusas. And I (...-)ed him. While, I was encamped over (...) in the land of Istitina, Sarri-Kusuh, my brother, the king of Kargamis, went into (the town of) (...)-zanda. The gods drove ahead of him, and (...) the towns of) (...)-zanda and Tenti-(...). (...) he brought away to Hattusas.

C. i: 25-26 = AM p. 94

As soon as My Sun (...) Istitina, Sarrikusuh (...).

B. iii: 1-19, 20-25 (l. 10 f. + D. i)

(...). (...). And he came. (...). (...) he attacked (...). And it (...). (...) down to Hayasa. As soon as My Sun heard it, I wrote to him: "(...). But there/then they (...) not anything. And the men of Istitina (...) not whoever. But you come: you march into the land of Dankuwas, and you attack it, and (...) it (...). (...) into the land of Hayasa." But the lord of the land of Azzi (...) to me as follows: "(...) you write (...). Whether/would (...) they came over to me. These outlanders (lit. incomers) I will not hand across. And should you demand (...)," But replied as follows: "I have come and I have encamped in front the border of your land and I have not attacked your land. I have not plundered it of deportees, cattle and sheep. Now you have provoked My Sun: you came and attacked the land of Dankuwas and you made it barren. Now let the gods stand by me, and let them judge the justice of my (case)."

But since he began to speak speak evil words to me, I became hostile to him, and I went for him. Uras this settlement being in an imposing position was the first fortress of the land of Azzi. He who listens to these tablets and (...) let him come and let him see the settlement (of) Uras as it was built. As soon as Anniyas, Lord of Azzi (...).

Catalogue des Textes Hittites (CTH)

61 II, 4 = AM p. 100-104

C. KUB 19.30 = BoTU 57

D. KUB 26.79 = BoTU 56; i = A. iii: 10 f.

D. ii: 1-13

[Big break.]

ar-(...). (...) within the land (...). (...) there/then (...). (...) behind/after(wards) (...). (...) we(nt?) out/away. And he came (...). And under/below (...). I surrounded (...). And the gods drove before me: (...), Tarhunnas of Hatti, (...). (...). And him with deportees, cattle, sheep I plundered, and I brought him away to Hattusas.

D. iii: 1-7

Manapa-Tarhundas (...). (...) wife (...). (...) the man of (the town of) (...). And it/they/them (...). And (...) (to/for) me. The following (...). (...).

[Big break.]

D. iv: 1-12

(...") Seize!" I sent forth my brother, Sarrikusuh. I came back (...). I encamped at (...)-sa. (...) Hittite (...) of mine/my. Whether/would troops and horse(-troops) (...) you/them. But the men of Hayasa (...) when they heard, "My Sun comes!", they sent forth before me a messenger. (...). Because/since, our lord, (...). And they became afraid. (...)."

C. iv: 1-10, 11-13

(...) (...).MES (= plural) (...). (...) (...") he goes ("). (...) in (...). (...) whom ever/because/since (...). "And we will turn him in and we will hand him forth to (our) lord (...) he comes. Let the lords come forth (...) and the Hittite deportees who entered in, we will turn them in and we will hand them over."

Just as the men of Hayasa wrote back to me thus, it pressed upon me at this time to recite the feast of Hepat of Kummanni.


  • FRIEDRICH J. (1967, 1974), Hethitisches Elementarbuch, Teil I & II. (Revised Edition.) Carl Winter, Universitatsverlag, Heidelberg.
  • GOETZE A. (1933), Die Annalen des Mursilis. Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-Aegyptischen Gesellschaft, 38 Band, Heft VI 23. (AM)
  • GRELOIS J.-P. (1988), Les Annales decennales de Mursili II (CTH 61, I). Hethitica IX (Grelois)
  • GüTERBOCK H. G. & HOFFNER H.A. (1980, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1994, 1995, 1997), The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Volumes L-N, P. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
  • HELD W. H., SCHMALSTIEG W.R., GERTZ J.E. (1987), Beginning Hittite. Slavica Publishers, Inc., Columbus, Ohio.
  • HEINHOLD-KRAHMER S. (1977), Arzawa. Untersuchungen zu seiner Geschichte nach den hethitischen Quellen. Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, Heidelberg. (Arzawa)
  • PUHVEL J. (1984, 1991, 1997), Hittite Etymological Dictionary, Volumes 1-4. Trends in Linguistics, Documentation 1, 4, 14. Mouton de Gruyer, Berlin & New York.
  • STURTEVANT E.H.(1936), A Hittite Glossary. (Second Edition). Linguistic Society of America, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.